
Gabriellas sång - Helen Sjöholm

Det är nu som livet är mitt
Jag har fått en stund här på jorden
Och min längtan har fört mig hit
Det jag saknat och det jag fått

Det är ändå vägen jag valt
Min förtröstan långt bort om orden
Som har visat en liten bit
Av den himmel jag aldrig nått

Jag vill känna att jag lever
All den tid jag har ska jag leva som jag vill
Jag vill känna att jag lever
Veta att jag räcker till
(Oh, oh, oh...)

Jag har aldrig glömt vem jag var
Jag har bara låtit det sova
Kanske hade jag inget val
Bara viljan att finnas kvar

Jag vill leva lycklig
För att jag är jag
Kunna vara stark och fri
Se hur natten går mot dag

Jag är här
Och mitt liv är bara mitt
Och den himmel jag trodde fanns
Ska jag hitta där nånstans

Jag vill känna att jag levt mitt liv


Roy Gould: WorldWide Telescope

Dette programmet kommer nå på våren og vil være gratis å laste ned :o) Du vil kunne reise i universet fordi alle kjente teleskoper er bundet sammen i en vev ;o)
Link i tittelen til Nettsiden deres og dette fant jeg hos TED

I følge Mayakalenderen skal vi jo i disse tider få et videre syn på hvem vi egentlig er i forhold til universet og hvem andre som måtte bo der ;o)



En vandrehistorie til ettertanke

En liten viktig historie
En 92-årig, liten, velbalansert og stolt mann, fullt påkledd hver morgen kl. 08.00, med håret pent kjemmet og med perfekt barbering (selv om han faktisk er praktisk talt blind), flyttet til et gamlehjem i dag.

Hans 70 år gamle kone har nettopp gått bort og gjort det nødvendig for ham å flytte. Etter mange timers tålmodig venting møtte han meg med et smil da jeg kunne fortelle at rommet hans var klart. Mens han manøvrerte gåstolen sin mot heisen ga jeg ham en liten beskrivelse av det lille rommet,inkludert de nye gardinene som var blitt hengt opp i

'Det er nydelig, jeg liker det,' erklærte han, med en entusiasme som ligner en 8-åring som får se sine nye hundevalp.
'Hr. Johansen, vent til du har sett rommet,' sa jeg. 'Det har ingenting med saken å gjøre,' svarte han. 'Lykke er noe du kan
bestemme deg for i forveien. Om jeg liker rommet mitt eller ikke har ikke å gjøre med hvordan møblene er arrangert... det er hvordan jeg arrangerer mine tanker som teller.

Jeg har allerede bestemt meg for å like det. Det er en beslutning jeg gjør hver morgen når jeg våkner. Jeg har et valg; Jeg kan bruke dagen i sengen og tenke over vanskelighetene jeg har med de delene av kroppen min som ikke lenger fungerer, eller komme meg ut av sengen og være takknemlig for de delene som funker. Hver dag er en gave, og så lenge jeg åpner mine øyne skal jeg fokusere på alle de lykkelige minnene jeg har lagret gjennom livet.

Høy alder er som en bank-konto.
Du kan heve goder fra det du har lagret.
Hvis jeg skal gi deg et råd, så må det være å sette inn mest mulig lykkelige minner på bank-kontoen din!

Takk for ditt bidrag som jeg kan fylle min konto med.
Jeg gjør massevis med innskudd fremdeles!'

Husk disse enkle reglene for lykke;
1. Fri ditt hjerte fra hat.
2. Fri din tanke fra bekymringer.
3. Lev enkelt.
4. Gi mer.
5. Forvent mindre.


Paulo Coelho - Warrior Of Light Newsletter no.166

In one of my books (The Zahir), I try to understand why people are so afraid of changing. When I was right in the middle of writing the text, I came across an odd interview with a woman who had just written a book on – guess what? - love.

The journalist asks whether the only way a human being can become happy is to find their beloved. The woman says no:

“Love changes, and nobody understands that. The idea that love leads to happiness is a modern invention, dating from the late 17th century. From that time on, people have learned to believe that love should last for ever and that marriage is the best way to exercise love. In the past there was not so much optimism about the longevity of passion.

“Romeo and Juliet isn’t a happy story, it’s a tragedy. In the last few decades, expectation has grown a lot regarding marriage being the path towards personal accomplishment. Disappointment and dissatisfaction have also grown at the same time.”

According to the magical practices of the witchdoctors in the North of Mexico, there is always an event in our lives that is responsible for our having stopped making progress. A trauma, a particularly bitter defeat, disappointment in love, even a victory that we fail to quite understand, ends up making us act cowardly and incapable of moving ahead. The witchdoctor, trying to connect with the occult powers, first of all needs to get rid of this “accommodating point”. To do so, he has to review our life and discover where this point lies.

When I was young, I was always fighting, always hitting the others, because I was the oldest in the gang. One day my cousin gave me a beating. That convinced me that I would never again manage to win a fight, and I began to avoid any physical confrontation, even though this meant that I was often taken for a coward, and let myself be humiliated in front of girlfriends and companions. Until one day, when I was 22, I ended up unwillingly getting into a fight in a nightclub in Rio de Janeiro. I got beaten up, but the “accommodating point” went away. Nowadays I no longer fight, not out of cowardice but rather because it’s a terrible way of expressing oneself.

For two years I tried to learn to play the guitar: I made a lot of progress in the beginning, until I reached the point where I could advance no further. Because I discovered that others learned faster than I did, I felt mediocre and decided that instead of feeling ashamed I was no longer interested in playing the guitar. The same happened with snooker, football, cycling: I learned enough to do everything fairly well, but then reached a point where I could go no further.


Because, according to the story that we were told, at a certain moment in our lives “we reach our limit”. There are no more changes to be made. We won’t grow any more. Both professionally and in love, we have reached the ideal point, and it’s best to leave things as they are. But the truth is that we can always go further. Love more, live more, risk more.

Immobility is never the best solution. Because everything around us changes (including love) and we must accompany that rhythm.

I have been married to the same person for 28 years, but I have changed “wives” (and she has changed “husbands”) several times during our relationship. If we wanted to keep on as we were in 1979, I don’t think we would have come so far.



The following is from "Happiness in a Nutshell" by Andrew Matthews ISBN 0957757263

"You get motivated by doing things, not thinking about them"

"Next time you are upset, remember it's not so much people who make you angry, as your thoughts about them"

"Whatever thoughts are causing you pain, they are only thoughts. You can change a thought"

"Where did we get the idea that if we don't forgive people, they suffer?"

"The only way to beat fear is to face it"

"If we are honest with ourselves, we can list almost everything that's ever happened to us - and see how we helped create it"

"The happiest people don't worry too much about whether life is fair or not. They just get on with it"

"If you want peace of mind, stop labeling everything that happens as good or bad"

"You give your best not because you need to impress people. You give your best because that's the only way to enjoy your work"

"When life is sweet, and that little voice says: It can't last! Tell yourself: Maybe it's about to get better!"

"Loving people means giving them freedom to be who they choose to be and where they choose to be. Love is allowing people to be in your life out of choice"
