
Da Father Bede Griffiths trodde han skulle dø...

Inntil jeg får redigert malen her får du klikke en ekstra gang på filmen så får du opp YouTube-versonen ;o)


2010 - 2012 Important Message : Bashar

Bashar is a multi-dimensional extra-terrestrial being who speaks through channel Darryl Anka from what we perceive as the future.
Bashar explores a wide-range of subjects with great insight, humor and a profound understanding of how reality creation occurs!

Det finnes mange virkeligheter... ;o)



Drunvalo Melchizedek on The Maya Of Eternal Time 2012

Åpne resten i faner:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzJuib4EoQo&feature=related - del 3 - del 4 - del 5 - del 6 - del 7 - del 8 kommer ;o)


The Conscious Convergence A Wave of Unity July 17-18, 2010

17.- 18. juli 2010 har vi muligheten til å samles for å fastsette intensjonen å gå inn i enhetsbevissthet. Millioner av mennesker verden over vil delta. La oss sammen skape arrangementer i hele Norge. Les om Conscious Convergence og enhetsbevissthet på www.mayakalenderen.com


We are the Ones

Return of the Ancestors Part 1 of 3 - Introduction from Bob Keeton on Vimeo.

Kiesha Crowther: Let us be very aware of our judgments of others.. do we see what is different from us and say to ourselves.. what a beautiful expression of me ? or do we dislike and make judgments? If you see negative, hear negative, witness negative, say something positive then change the Chanel.. Be the light, Be love and Be the change!

Return of the Ancestors - Part 2 - Healing the Earth, the Masculine and the Feminine from Bob Keeton on Vimeo.

Return of the Ancestors - Part 3 - Prophecy and Teachings from Bob Keeton on Vimeo.
